Purchase Books - Order Online Today!

Enter the school's state supplied LEA number below to begin ordering. If you are a home school or private school please contact EBD to receive an LEA number.

How to Order

It is Educators Book Depository’s goal to offer the best and smoothest online ordering system for schools and school districts.  To help you search our inventory and place an order, here are some step by step instructions:

Searching the Inventory

You will want to begin the ordering process by searching our inventory and locating the Titles you are interested in ordering.  You can search by ISBN, Subject, Title, and/or Publisher.

Searching by a single field will yield all results that match that search term.  If you search using multiple fields (ex. Searching both publisher and subject)  this will yield results that match both of these search terms, therefore narrowing your results.  The more search criteria provided the more narrow your search will be.

Search returns will be displayed below the Search Inventory fields, and will allow you to page through the items if there are multiple pages.

Adding Items to Cart

Once you have located the item you would like to order in the search returns, you will need to add the items to your cart.

To add items to your cart, you will need to enter the Quantity of the item that you would like to add (ex. 10) and then click the GREEN plus next to the quantity field.

Once you select the GREEN plus to add the items, you will be displayed a message stating “You have successfully added item(s) to your cart.”

From this point, you can continue searching the inventory and view your cart at a later time, or you can click the link next to the added items message and go straight to the cart/order page.

Cart/Order Page

Once you have searched the inventory you will need to review your cart and confirm your order.  There are a couple ways of viewing you cart.  One is to enter your LEA number into the “Order Online” promo area that is found on the homepage and throughout the site.  The other is to click the view cart link at the top right of the webpage.

Once you are on the Cart/Order page you will notice that we require your school LEA number.  By entering your LEA number we are able to automatically add your School Name, City and Email from our database.  If you are a home school or private school please contact EBD to receive an LEA number.

Next you will need to enter the additional Order Information.  If you have specific delivery, pickup, or billing requests please enter the information here.  If this information is left blank, EBD will default to shipping the items immediately and billing to the district.  The only required information here is the purchaser’s name, phone, and email address.

The next step is reviewing your cart.  Here you can edit the current cart information, continue searching the inventory, or manually enter non-inventory items to the cart.  For more information about non-Inventory items click here.

Once you have reviewed your cart, you will need to confirm your order.

Confirming and Placing Your Order

To confirm your order, select the Confirm Order button below the cart.  This will take you to a page that will allow you to review the cart and order information one last time.

If everything looks good, submit the order and you will be shown a printable order form.  This order form will need to be printed, signed and mailed or faxed back to EBD before your order can be processed.  You will also receive a copy of your order receipt sent to you via email.


If you have any other questions about the EBD search and order process, please contact Educators Book Depository and we will be happy to help.

Click here for a manual order form.

Copyright ©2025 by Educators Book Depository of Arkansas, Inc. All rights reserved.